Welcome to our Science First Grade class.

Welcome to our Science First Grade class blog, group B at "José María de la Fuente" Public School, in Ciudad Real, Spain.
This is the blog of the teacher Francisco Zamora Soria and of girls and boys, mothers and fathers of 1º B, Primary Education.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

One potato, two potato, three potato...

Here´s a link to this song and the lyrics:

In my little garden, now promise you won't laugh
I haven't any flowers, and I haven't any grass
But now I'm going to dig and plant, and soon I'll have a show
With a bit of sun and a bit of rain, they'll be lovely row

In my little garden, now promise you won't laugh
I haven't any flowers, and I haven't any grass
But now I'm going to dig and plant, and soon I'll have a show
With a bit of sun and a bit of rain, they'll be lovely row, of...

One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more

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